Whether or not thirteen-year-olds should be having sex with each other, she allowed her beliefs khổng lồ cloud her judgment.

Bạn đang xem: The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 12 Review: Islands Part Two

Jordan might have made a terrible mistake on The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 12. Shaun"s refusal lớn discuss the issue came in handy for once.


Kelly"s situation wasn"t as morally gray as the promo made it seem. Her mother had educated her about safe sex and was aware that Kelly & her boyfriend, Ryan, were having it.

Jordan"s desire to gọi CPS about this was problematic for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was that Child Protective Services should never be used khổng lồ force someone"s religious beliefs on families who don"t nội dung them.


In real life, Texas laws around transgender care for children vì that, encouraging people to gọi CPS to investigate any parent who allows their child lớn socially or medically transition. That"s wrong, & this is the same thing.

It"s perfectly valid for Jordan to lớn decide she doesn"t want to have premarital sex và that the men she slept with interfered with her relationship with God. Lea shouldn"t have laughed at her or pushed her khổng lồ change her mind.

I go along with the joke because I don"t want khổng lồ be the joke.


But that doesn"t mean other people have to make the same decision. Kelly"s mother decided that the best thing she could bởi for her daughter was lớn educate her about safe sex rather than trying lớn stop her from having it, even at her young age.

That is her prerogative, & it"s as valid as Jordan"s decision not to lớn have premarital sex at any age.


Was Jordan right that thirteen-year-olds are not psychologically mature enough khổng lồ have sex? Yes, but that doesn"t mean that Kelly"s mother was neglecting her daughter"s well-being by accepting that some kids experiment sexually at thirteen.

Jordan was so focused on imposing her beliefs on Kelly và her mother that Shaun had to lớn redirect her when Kelly was coding. Her priority should have been taking care of Kelly"s immediate health emergency, not mumbling about how this is a consequence of inappropriate sex.

Mother: She"s been dating Ryan for over a year.Jordan: You"re okay with this? A thirteen-year-old child should not be having sex.Girl: I"m not a child! và if I want to have sex, it"s nobody else"s business.Mother: Teenagers are going to vị it anyway. So rather than her sneaking around, I sat her down and talked lớn her about safe sex.

Jordan can be a great friend and empathetic doctor, but she"s too rigid, và when she starts imposing her beliefs on other people, she becomes a nuisance.

Fortunately, by the end of the hour, she"d relaxed. She used Shaun"s statement that Kelly couldn"t have sex for six months following the procedure lớn suggest she hold off for longer, but she wasn"t pushy about it.


Surprisingly, Morgan didn"t bởi vì anything nearly as annoying as Jordan throughout the hour. She"s the one I usually over up ranting about!

Morgan"s dilemma was far more sympathetic than most of her stories. She"s impatient to be a mother but unsure whether she can handle both motherhood và the opportunity that fell into her lap.

She wanted that job. Otherwise, she would have turned it down as soon as Park suggested she"d miss a lot of important moments with her child if she took it.

Lim: My suggestion is decide what you really want & go after it. We can"t have it all.Morgan: But plenty of men - Lim: No, they don"t. They"re just less conflicted about the choices they make.

Morgan was also right that it"s unfair for mothers khổng lồ have to lớn choose between being there for their kids & their career success, while fathers don"t appear khổng lồ have this dilemma.


But Lim"s decision not to lớn have kids so she could pursue a demanding career wasn"t going khổng lồ work for Morgan, who hungers to be a mother. Andrews" story of how his mother was there when it counted, even though she worked long hours, resonated with Morgan.

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Was Andrews" mother also a single parent? It wasn"t clear from the anecdote he told.

That"s important only because Morgan will have to consider how she will handle being a single mother now that she"s taken the job.

She doesn"t have a partner to lớn help with some parenting duties. Without backup, she"ll have to arrange for child care, giảm giá khuyến mãi with childhood illnesses & injuries, và do everything else that responsible parenting requires.

That"s not impossible. There are single mothers with demanding jobs, and Morgan is a single mother by choice who probably has greater financial resources than average.

But she will have lớn figure out how she will vì it và who she can lean on for support, babysitting, and other help when needed.

Perez"s attitude aggravated me throughout the hour.

Perez: Our probations are different. Yours is a slap on the wrist for coloring outside the lines with a patient, while mine is a holding pattern. Everyone"s watching me to see if I"m a surgeon or a junkie.Asher: Part of being a surgeon is standing up for your patients.

While he was right that he and Asher couldn"t act lượt thích they knew more than Lim, his status as an ex-junkie didn"t mean he needed to lớn make himself invisible.

That was probably his disease talking. Questioning Lim about a risky surgery wouldn"t make him magically non-sober. If he were worried that Lim was looking for an excuse to fire him because of his drug problem, that would make more sense, but that isn"t what he said.

Thankfully, he didn"t use after his stressful week, but I wish he"d called his sponsor instead of his dealer khổng lồ meet him by the coffee shop.

Finally, Glassman"s visit with Shaun and Lea wasn"t as silly as I was afraid it would be.

But what"s going khổng lồ happen now? The house he couldn"t let go of has burned lớn the ground, so he"s probably going to mourn Maddie"s death all over again.

The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 12 Review: Islands Part Two

The formerly conjoined twins were facing numerous complications after being separated, và when it seemed lượt thích Katie was going lớn be taken off of life support, I was instantly emotional.

I adored this storyline, & I wanted both of them to survive. 

Unfortunately, there was so much back and forth about what would happen lớn them that the story lost its power. It seemed that a new problem arose every time the show came back from commercial, which made it exhausting khổng lồ follow. 

I put trust in them from an early age, thinking responsibility would build strength. I think it worked. But this? No, Jenny can’t be part of this in any way. It would destroy her. I’ll tell her Katie died.

Mrs. Kunkler

Katie và Jenny deserved better than their ultimate fate. Even if one of them was going to die, the audience should have felt emotionally punched in the gut with it. Instead, I was just annoyed by the time Jenny died in the operating room. 

Kerry Sandormirsky"s performance as Katie and Jenny"s mother was the one saving grace. 

She was heartbreaking và believable. I was captivated by her whenever she was in a scene.

Her plea with Katie lớn have the separation surgery after Jenny"s death was almost enough khổng lồ bring me back khổng lồ tears after all of the "Who is dying now?" guessing games. Almost. 


As predicted by everyone, Shaun decided lớn stay at St. Bonaventure Hospital.

His brief conversation with Claire helped him decide, & I relish the time these two mô tả together. 

Antonia Thomas and Freddie Highmore have great chemistry.

Shaun: Lea makes me happy. Claire: Lea"s not the only one that can bởi vì that. I"m going to lớn miss you.

Claire seems lớn have taken the role of big sister for Shaun, và it fits them well. With Lea moving across the country, I hope Shaun will continue khổng lồ lean on Claire and look to her for advice when he needs it. 

Unfortunately, Lea leaving also gave us the most eye roll-inducing quote of the entire series. 

Are you a good doctor? Because when I think of you, I think you are.


Get it? Is he a good doctor? It"s the name of the show! 

The goodbye scene between Shaun and Lea was a sweet moment until she said that. It was too corny & felt out of place.

After she said that, I was happy to say bon voyage khổng lồ her. 



We also saw Jared return khổng lồ St. Bonaventure Hospital in this episode, but the writers decided lớn make an already terrible storyline even worse. 

When Jessica first looked at the tệp tin that Jared"s lawyer gave her, I thought she was reading Claire"s trương mục of her sexual assault. This would have been the perfect time for us to lớn learn that Dr. Andrews never turned the report in & for the doctor to lớn receive the punishment he deserved for what he did to Claire. 

Instead, race became the reason that Jared was fired.

While both sexual harassment & racial discrimination in the workplace are real and important issues to lớn discuss, throwing both of them together in such a lazy way is a disservice lớn the people who face these issues every day. 


I must say that Necar Zadegan was delightful as Dr. Ko.

She is brilliant, focused, and strong-willed, making her a fun character to watch. I hope we will see more of her because I think she could be a great mentor for Shaun. 

She listened khổng lồ his ideas without immediately dismissing them like Melendez & Andrews often do, & she did not blame him when something went wrong because of his idea. 

She recognizes his talent but is not afraid of him like others seem khổng lồ be at times. Shaun seems to lượt thích her as well, và if they keep her around, their relationship could be enjoyable lớn watch. 

Dr. Ko: Yeah, I"ve heard about you. You"re the one making the old guy nervous. Shaun: Why would I make people nervous? Dr. Ko: Because you have a gift and surgeons judge themselves against their peers. Và right now, you"re winning.

Overall, I was confused & annoyed by "Islands Part Two." In fact, this is the lowest rating I have ever given to an episode of this series. 

I already know a few people who have given up on this show, và while ratings remain high, I imagine they could drop if the chất lượng of the last two episodes is any indication of the show"s future. 

Did you like this episode? Or were you as annoyed as I was? You can watch The Good Doctor online! Once you do, giới thiệu your thoughts with us in the comments below!